Saturday, August 21, 2010

Authentic Projects

Are you looking for new, authentic reasons for students to talk about their reading?  Check out this website where students tell "Whyy I Like This Book".  This is a reading promotion project of the public television station WHYY in Philadelphis that won this year's Internation Reading Association Broadcast Media Award for Television.  Students of all ages describe why they like a particular book.  Students submit an application, and those chosen participate in a videotaped audition.  Not only could some of our students participate on WHYY, but we might borrow their idea for our school website. Browse these authentic booktalks.  I read "Paper Towns" by John Green this summer.  It really is an awesome read.  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a great site. I love the idea of doing this on our site. I wonder if mrs. James might collaborate to include these in her broadcast. Would you like to get together a small committee to make this a reality? I could set up the site if we can figure out the logistics.
