Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Seeing the World from Each Student's Perspective

Dan Brown states all teachers need to see Where the Wild Things Are to remind us of our student’s view of the world. Can we possibly see the world from each student’s viewpoint? As a resource language arts teacher I teach only small groups and often fail to realize how things come across to all of my students. How can a regular classroom teacher possibly accomplish this feat? Recently my students began reading Cut by Patricia McCormick which I had already read and truly believed had a positive message for my students. What did I not see? I, unlike my students, knew how the book would end. One of my students did not wait until the end. He saw Callie’s action “cutting” as a means of getting attention and attempted it himself. Was he simply seeking attention? Yes. However, I am the one who failed to see Callie’s story from this student’s point of view. I should have anticipated this possible view just by knowing my students. Some intervention was obviously needed early in the story for this student. We did not stop reading. All parties involved believed it was important that he realize, just as Callie soon realizes, that he is important and we do care. Yes, I will go see Where the Wild Things Are, and I will keep my students’ viewpoint in mind when I choose my next topic.


  1. Wow. I hadn't heard this story. From another perspective, you should be thankful that you were there to guide the student through the experience. What if he/she had learned the behavior from another source--without your guidance?

    It is sobering to know what influences over students we teachers are.

  2. Oh, my...the drama!

    On a lighter note...we should go and see Where the Wild Things Are as a group...especially if dinner is involved!

    You just keep on keeping on! You are a great teacher, mainly because you care!
